On this page you can check out all the relevant EMTG news on Dutch and international media outlets. Throughout the years, EMTG has been featured on both national and international outlets, social media channels, television programs and events. As we have become the bridge between international nurses and Dutch healthcare institutions, there have been quite a lot of information to share with people. We have recruited over 600 healthcare professionals from more than ten European countries. Hence there is a lot of facts and figures to share with the world.
Should you have any interest to work alongside or write about EMTG, you are welcome to contact us for any inquiries and we will be sure to get back to you as soon as possible. Our PR team is always open to discuss ideas and hold brainstorm sessions with you to see how we can together create more exposure and help out to relieve the healthcare sector.
No boss, no stress?
Go backNo boss, no stress? Can you believe that working in a self-managed team in the home care assistance means not to have a boss? Please, don't misunderstand my words. You always have to answer for your actions of course: to yourself and to your patients first of...
Interview tips for nurses
Go backInterview tips for nurses Need to prepare for a job interview in healthcare? Read on for golden tips.Have you been invited for a job interview? But do you have no idea how to prepare yourself for the interview and what questions you can expect? No problem. In...
Dutch habits
Go backDutch habits When getting accustomed to life in the Netherlands and interacting within society, you will sooner or later get involved with the habits of Dutch culture. For example, everyone pays for their own consumptions during an outing, hence the term “Go...