High demand for nurses in the Netherlands

The fact that there is a worldwide shortage of professional nurses is no secret. The ICN (international council of nurses) estimates that it will take up to 13 million nurses to fill the global gap of these professionals’ in the future.

Due to the circumstances that we are living in the ANE (asociaciones nacionales de enfermeras) are concerned and demand attention to this relevant issue caused by the heavy workload and stress suffered by their workers in many countries.

During 2020, nurses from all over the world have made an effort to adapt to the pandemic changes, proving once again a great force of will and hard work. However, this healthcare professional is still needed. Why?

  • The population is ageing rapidly in developed countries.
  • Nurses of the generation known as baby boomers are retiring.
  • New health statutes are constantly updated, which make up a new health era.
  • Nurses need to specialize.

In Europe, the situation is clear. Nurses are needed! 



The Netherlands has openly stated that it needs police, teachers and nurses. In December 2019, the online newspaper ‘The Holland Times’ published an article on the matter in which it exposed the delicate situation in which Dutch hospitals and healthcare providers find themselves.

The Dutch Ministry of Health has been conducting studies for years on how large the shortage of nurses will be between 2022 -2030.

These are the results:

Nurses’ specific numbers 2022

  • Lack of MBO level nurses: 9,300 – 11,700
  • Lack of HBO level nurses: 6,000 – 7,200 (including midwives)
  • Lack in general hospitals and other medical specialties: 6,400 – 8,600
  • Lack in university hospitals: 2,200 – 3,100
  • Lack of home care: 8,500 – 12,200

Nurses’ specific numbers 2030

  • Lack of MBO level nurses: 17,700 – 14,500
  • Lack of HBO level nurses: 8,300 – 7,000 (including midwives)
  • Lack of general hospitals and other medical specialties: 16,900 – 14,100
  • Lack in university hospitals: 2,200 – 3,100
  • Lack of home care: 19,400 – 15,600


What next?

The European Union is working with programs that facilitate the movement of European professionals from different fields of work throughout the continent. These programs seek to design a system whereby the employer and employee have the necessary tools to make this project a success with which young workers have better working conditions in the place of their choice.

At the same time, there are companies like EMTG (European Multi Talent Group). We have been working for years to combat the nursing shortage in the Netherlands, contributing to quality healthcare designed for each type of individual and each type of worker.

If you want to know more about the program, do not hesitate to contact your local recruiter!
