
How to Choose a Nursing Specialty 

If you are reading this, it is probably because you are in the decision-making process to specialize in the nursing field. But how do you find out which one is the most suitable for you? In this blog we will share with some aspects that you should consider when looking for the right nursing specialty. 



Age Group 

In the same vein as how kindergarten teachers and nannies are likely to be more comfortable working with toddlers and young children than teenagers and adults, you must think about the type of clients you would like to work with. Are you comfortable being surrounded by younger clients? Adults? Or do you prefer to work with the elderly? Choosing an age group will help you narrow down your options. However, if none of these matters to you then it is recommended to look at your personality. 


Your personality can also help to guide with your decision making. Do you consider yourself pro-active with a holistic view? Then you might consider becoming a clinical nurse specialist.  

Clinical nurse specialists provide diagnosis, treatment, and ongoing management of patients. They also provide expertise and support to nurses caring for patients at the bedside, help drive practice changes throughout the organization, and ensure the use of best practices and evidence-based care to achieve the best possible patient outcomes. 

On the other hand, if you like to work under pressure and fast pace, then working in ER or as an Ambulance Nurse could be an option for you. Every day will be different as these specialists work in crisis situations; thus, they must be able to quickly identify the best way to stabilize patients and minimize pain. 


Furthermore, you should question yourself in what kind of environment would you like to work; an international, national, or local; a big or small location; fast or slow-paced environment; amount of time you spent with clients; prefer to work a small or big team; growth possibilities and responsibilities you would like to take with the new specialty. 


As technology continues to advance, the demand for nurses that are tech savvy will increase. The shift to electronic health records has spurred a dramatic change in the way health care professionals work. Thus, if you are interested in jumping into the tech world you can focus on those specializations where you can make use of such skills. Of course, you do not have to have or obtain tech skills, but you can combine your most developed skills with your specialty. 


Think of the duties that give you more energy from work. Is it the administrative work, research work, or being in direct contact with patients? Remember and analyze those professional situations that you were the happiest for the work you had done, you might find a pattern that can help you in making your next step in your career, a specialization.  

Meet the Experts 

If still in doubt about the specialization you are pursuing, contact an expert on the field and ask about his or her experience on the field. The expert can provide you a more realistic input about the expectation of the work duties and can give you more personalized recommendations for your professional growth.  


The options available of choosing a nursing specialty depends on where you are in your career and what qualifications you hold. However, there are some things you can consider and question to make this process easier. Should you still be in doubt you can always do the nursing quiz by Herzing University to find out which specializations suits you best. 

Are you a nurse that is thinking about working abroad?  

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