
Meet the EMTG Team –  Laura Forro

At EMTG we aim to connect motivated European healthcare workers to Dutch healthcare institutions. Our international recruitment team consists of highly experienced staff members with great knowledge of the Dutch healthcare system. They are the first contact point to healthcare professionals interested in pursuing a new professional challenge in their life abroad.  In this blog, we would like to introduce to you our Talent Acquisition Specialist in Italy & The Netherlands, Laura Forro, who has been working for EMTG for over two years now. She meets a lot of Italian and expat nurses in the Netherlands. Today she will share an overview of working in the Netherlands and provide an insight on how to prepare for your next interview. 


1. Can you tell us something about yourself? 
I am Laura Forro, EMTG Talent Acquisition Specialist for Italy & The Netherlands.

After 20 years of career as a nurse, in 3 different European countries, I have joined the EMTG recruiting team at the end of 2019.

I speak fluently 4 languages (working on improving the 5th) and I know the Dutch healthcare system well, from my own experience as a nurse and patient in The Netherlands. Based on my practical and theorical knowledge I can give excellent advice to the nurses looking for a way to work in this beautiful country.

 2. What top attributes do you look for when screening and interviewing candidates? 
I am searching for motivated professionals, willing to learn new things every day, wanting to improve their lives and grow their career.  

 3. What’s a do and don’t for candidates when applying and/or interviewing? 

Make a good first impression by sending an updated CV (the Europass style is very good – with your studies and work experience listed from the most recent to the oldest), be on time for the interview, prepare for the interview (checking your internet connection, talking from a quiet space and be visible on camera), ask pertinent questions, don’t be afraid to ask everything you need to know, be honest and be yourself.


Never be late, try to take over the interview, talk poorly about your previous employer, assume that you will be hired no matter what.

 4. What are the basic requirements for working in the Netherlands, via EMTG? 
For the EU nurses it’s enough to have a EU obtained diploma and be a EU citizen.

For the non-EU nurses you must have a work and residence permit obtained in The Netherlands, have a IDW diploma evaluation on at least MBO 4 level.

5. Is the EMTG program for everyone?  
The EMTG program is meant for motivated, skilled nurses, willing to lean Dutch and improve their lives. 

6. What can healthcare professionals expect in the Netherlands? 
The Netherlands has one of the best healthcare systems in the world, offers incredible professional growth opportunities, a great life / work balance and competitive salaries.

The work sphere is informal but respectful towards everyone competencies, cultural background and skills.

7. In brief, what is the main (cultural) difference of working in Italy and the Netherlands as a health care professional? 
In antagonism with the Italian work conditions known to the healthcare professionals, The Netherlands offers the opportunity to study further following courses paid by the employer, there is more stability,  the Dutch employers are investing into  ergonomic work conditions, good salaries and employees benefits. 

Extra work hours are uncommon, everyone is entitled to breaks and holiday leave. 

8. Have you been to the Netherlands? What’s your favorite city in the Netherlands and what do you like the most about the Netherlands? 
I live in The Netherlands, close to Rotterdam. My favorite city is Amsterdam and what I like most about the Netherlands is the people: direct, friendly and polyglots. 

9. What are the professional growth opportunities for foreign healthcare professionals in the Netherlands? 
You can grow professionally by following specialty courses (they are about 55 different nursing specialties) or masters. 

10. What do you like the most about being a Recruiter/talent Acquisition Specialist? 
Having the chance to help and guide fellow nurses on their way to a better life, by sharing my experience as a nurse and expat. 

Would you like to learn more about the opportunities for health care professionals in the Netherlands?
You are welcome to attend an (online)
 info day or contact Laura directly. Furthermore, you can follow them on Instagram as @emtghealthcare and see what life is like working and living in the Netherlands.   

Are you ready for the challenge?  

Laura Forro

Laura Forro

